Dear Sir/Madam,
   We have a great pleasure to invite you for the 13 th Workshop on Applications of Scanning Probe Microscopy – STM/AFM 2025 which will be held in Zakopane from Wednesday, November 26 to Sunday 30, 2025, at the HYRNY Hotel
( The Workshop is organized by the Centre for Nanometer-scale Science and Advanced Materials,
NANOSAM, of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy, and Applied Computer Sciences, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland.
   The main goal of the Workshop series is to gather scientists who are or who would like to be involved in surface science
research using Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM). These SPM methods include Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM), Atomic
Force Microscopy (AFM), and other related techniques operating in ultra-high vacuum environment and liquid/gas atmospheres.
We wish the Workshop to be an interdisciplinary meeting for participants representing different theoretical and experimental
disciplines of scientific research.
   During the last meeting STM/AFM 2023, (see we had 127 registered participants
from 26 research institutions in Poland and foreign countries, and the following SPM companies were presenting their products::
  • COMEF                                 • NanoAndMore GmbH
  • Labsoft Sp. z o.o.                • NANOSCORE
  • MEASLINE Sp. z o.o.           • PIK INSTRUMENTS
  • Scienta Omicron                 • Technolutions
   The Organizers would like to invite all interested companies to present their instruments and marketing materials
during the Workshop. We believe the close relationship between manufacturers and distributors of scientific instruments
and the Workshop participants is significant for developing nanotechnology and nanoscience in Poland. Interested
companies can choose from the following forms of participation:
1. exhibition of scientific equipment and/or display of brochures, books and other scientific papers (including
distribution of marketing materials) – 3500 PLN (~810 Euro) +VAT fee,
(the above fee covers 6m2 booth for exhibition of equipment/materials and posters, a table and two chairs and also
distribution of marketing materials among the Workshop participants)
2. 20 min oral presentation at the relevant scientific session
(abstract needed by 05.10.2025)– 2000 PLN (~465 Euro) +VAT fee,
3. distribution of marketing materials (attached to the conference materials given to participants) for companies
not attending the Workshop – 800 PLN (~185 Euro) +VAT fee.
   A personal cost of participation is 2600 PLN (about 600 EURO per person - full board package based on single room
accommodation, in case of double room – 2300 PLN (VAT included)).
The deadline for registration of the Companies and payments: October 17, 2025.
In order to register, please contact Mr. Piotr Piatkowski (e-mail:
He will send you registration forms and additional information.
Workshop www-site:
Workshop chairman:
    Prof. Franciszek Krok, Ph.D.
    NANOSAM Centre, Institute of Physics, JagiellonianUniversity
    Lojasiewicza 11, PL 30-348 Krakow, Poland
    phone: +48 12 664 4632